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About Us

Our Commitment

We created Gotta Love Yoga to offer you the highest quality yoga leggings at the best prices. We stand behind our products and are committed to providing you with satisfaction guaranteed. If a product is not to your satisfaction, you can email us at or fill out our contact us form.

Our Story

yoga toes

The story of Gotta Love Yoga starts with me, the founder, and an injury caused by the combination of heels and wet marble floors where I used to work in Grand Cayman. I was fortunate to find work in the Caribbean with a software company thanks to a Facebook post, believe it or not. I was hired by the CTO of the company, which was a subsidiary of a successful company based in the U.S. This small, dynamic, hardworking software development company enabled me to live a great life in Grand Cayman for a few years. Each day I entered the beautiful lobby, humbled and grateful for the azure blue waters glistening across the road from our office. But one rainy morning, I slipped and landed flat on that lobby floor. As security guards rushed to my rescue, I attempted to rise up from my hard fall. Surprisingly, there were no tears. By the afternoon, my muscles were seizing up and the tears came. I ended up driving myself to the hospital for X-rays with the help of my friendly CTO. Finding I had not broken anything, I went home and stayed in bed for two days, unable to lift my arms. It was surreal. On my return to work, it was suggested by a friend that I go to physiotherapy. My rock star physiotherapist told me I would recover faster if I started practicing yoga. So, I found a great yoga studio and began practicing restorative yoga twice a week. Within three weeks, my back and neck were free of the pain that I had been experiencing since the fall. As a bonus, my stress  levels were reduced at least by half.

Since then, I have always made time for my yoga practice. I know it has helped me in so many ways, besides repairing the damage from the fall. I am much calmer under pressure. I used to be obsessed with my work, but I have transformed that behavior to a healthy passion.

I created Gotta Love Yoga so that I could share my enjoyment with fellow yogi's. I do not profess to be an expert, but I am a huge fan of yoga and hope to inspire others to try it and enjoy the often subtle improvements in their life. I know it did for me!

woman laying on mandala

Photo by Nicole De Khors from Burst